英语记叙文模板及范文 范文合集

千千百科 12 0



Today is Saturday. I stay at home with my parents.

My mother said that today we should do some cleanings. I agreed and I would like to help.

I cleaned the windows. It was really a tough job. Now matter how hard I tried, they seemed dirty all the same.

Therefore, I asked for help. My mother teached me a method to clean the windows. It realy worked.

And then I cleaned the floor. It was much easier than cleaning the windows. I did it in a short time.

My parents praised me.


My hometown is in the southeast of Shandong, a seaside village.

It is a small village. There are about 600 people. Most of them are peasants. They mainly plant wheat, corn and cotton. Some of them often go fishing in the sea.

Great changes h***e taken place in the past ten years. Now the peasants here use tractors in their work. A lot of new buildings h***e eared. Many families own fridges and some even h***e air-conditioners. In the evening they watch TV as the people in cities do.

There is a primary school in the village. Most of the peasants’ children are studying in college now.

I love my home town. I believe she will become more and more beautiful in the future.
