
千千百科 19 0






  英 语(试题卷)参考答案

  第一部分 听力技能

  第二部分  阅读技能

  21--25 ABABB   26--30 CCBAC

  31--35 CABCC   36--40 ABABB


  第三部分  知识运用

  46--50 BABCB  51--55 AAACC

  56. and 57. to send 58. a 59. successfully

  60. pushing 61. your 62. spent 63. invites

  65. in 65. inventions


  66. Ten years old. /Ten/Sagarika Sriram was10 years old when she started reading newspaper stories.

  67. Dubai. /Her home city is Dubai.

  68. Its goal is to fight climate change.

  69. Her city faces the risks of rising temperatures and less water supply.

  70. Yes, she will.

  71. 它意味着来年会带来好运。

  72. One controls the head.

  73. They dance together.

  74. 但是永远不会改变的一点就是队员们的团队精神。

  75. One possible version:

  Dear teachers:

  Under the“Double Reduction”policy this term, our life has changed a lot. Our teachers release students’ burden by cutting down homework and improve teaching quality. But I think although homework is less than before. It must has the best quality. And I think the following homework is efficient English homework.

  First, ask students to read the whole. It can raise the students reading interest and develop their reading habit. It can also improve the students reading ability, thinking ability, language ability, writing ability and communication ability. Second, ask students to make a play show. It can build the students’ confidence. Third, king of words. It can enlarge our vocabulary. Fourth, collect translation of public places. The students can learn by practice. It can improve the students interest. Fifth, make movie dubbing. It can enrich students’ knowledge and experience and know about western culture. Sixth, ask students to be volunteer guide for foreigners. Students can tell Chinese good stories to the foreigners and spread Chinese traditional and excellent culture.

  I think the students will love the homework and they will learn English well after doing the homework.

  Hope this helps!

  Best wishes for you all!




