。 教学承诺:考分不满112分,全勤及作业完成者,免费重读本课程。
▎ 新托福精英 100课 程
【适合人群】 大二/大三 英语 程度,新托福90分或同等水平。
【课程介绍】 课程简述:该课程适合希望冲刺新托福100分;英语运用能力扎实,需 要 弥补听、说、读、写短板现象,进行单项冲刺强化的 学生 。 教学承诺:符考分不满100分,全勤及作业完成者,免费重读本课程。
【使用教材】 采用ETS官方指南,结合海外引进先进预备教材及朗阁美国考试学院内部教材进行教学。
▎ 专栏介绍 > 明星教师
刘青老师 Michael
主教科目:基础英语、托福口语、 雅思 口语、雅思 写作 、托福 写作
毕业于纽约州布法罗大学,语言功底深厚,深谙中西文化,擅长将课堂与实际应用结合,用生动的例子和经验打动学生,善于激发及培养基础薄弱学 生的 学习 兴趣,将枯燥的课堂转变为生动的语言实践平台,让学生牢记知识点的同时灵活运用。注重因材施教,能根据不同程度的学生需求制定高效专属课程计划,让学生在短期内得到最快提升。他的课,严肃、严格,纯干货,处处是方法、处处是技巧。
Graduated from University of Buffalo. Owning a deep yet sophisticated understanding of American culture; specialised in combining lecture with current time events to demonstrate about speaking topics, especially to those who lack the initiatve to begin lagnauge study. Turning the sterotypical “classroom”into a practical platform for communicating and true comprehension towards English learning. Meanwhile, to make sure sutdents can absorb as much as they possibly could, he designed the class to be targeting areas where study methods can be appropriately utilised. Dedicating to each student individually while also maintaing a strict yet playful style is thing he takes very seriously and professionally. Without doubt, as far as “commitment”goes, he is the best to offer.
王诗意 Eleven
雅思8分 ( 听力 8.5分, 阅读 8分,口语8分)
主教科目:雅思口语、托福口语、雅思 听力
英语专业 八级,具备口译证书及剑桥高级 商务英语 证书,拥有6年以上雅思托福一线教学经验,学术功底扎实,英语发音纯正,带领学生体验口语的独特乐趣。课堂生动、教学风格独特,工作上严于律己,对学生非常负责,帮助众多学生在短期内迅速提高,培养上百名高分学员,实现其出国梦想。她的课,清新甜美、丝丝入扣。
TEM-8,English Interpreting Certificate and BEC Higher Level. Owning 6-year first-hand teaching experience in IELTS and TOEFL. The professional and standard pronunciation leaves a deep impression on stduents, which has strongly aroused students' interest in English study. Meanwhile, the unique teaching style and resposibility for students have helped a large number of students to make rapid pro gre ss in study and even made their dreams of studying abroad come true. After participating Eleven’s teaching process, loads of students have successfully achieved the scores that had formed the obstacles during their learning journey. The prefect combination of theories and practical skills is always the highlight of her class.
长沙朗阁课程采用课程签约制度,采用OG官方指南教材,同步官方资讯,*朗阁内部海量题库;学员可同步获得来 自 考试官方的新鲜考试资讯,分享得分技巧与心得。美国考试学院老师教研室面向学员免费开放,外教与中教的无缝配合,运用来 自 美国本土的教学理念,小班教学,1对1分析答疑。
欢迎来到长沙朗阁教育: /member/bdlx.html 联系*:400-800-8975
QQ: 1915142291 相关文章:
长沙朗阁gre冲刺班 |
长沙朗阁托福培训冲刺班 |
长沙朗阁雅思培训 |
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,教材指南官方各个击破高效推荐培训分类课程: SAT培训 ,想进行各类培训提升的,请关注清大培训网(www.qingdafudao.com)。 民生工程惠万家x5065;Ԗ群众॰发展好0;要是第一选&.唱响主旋律#x62E9;8;*管理社提高办事效率4F1A;主义法制两袖清风有功德;
标签: 长沙朗阁托福培训冲刺班